Academic Policy

Hebraic Institute of Theology courses are designed to be finished at your own pace [self-paced].

The Applied Theology program completion time is approximately one year.

Plagiarism Infringement Policy and Procedures

Demonstrations of literary theft are an infringement of scholarly strategy and must not go on without serious consequences.
All scholastic work put together by students to their educators or other scholarly supervisors‚ is relied upon to be the consequence of their thought‚ research‚ or self-–articulation.

In situations where students feel uncertain about an issue of counterfeiting including their work‚ they are obliged to consult with their teachers on the issue.

At the point when students submit work indicating to be their own ‚ yet which in any capacity acquires ideas‚ organization‚ phrasing or whatever else from another source without the proper affirmation of the fact as inline citing, documenting, or giving credit to the author‚ the students are guilty of literary theft or plagiarism.

Plagiarism infringement incorporates imitating another person's work‚ whether it be distributed articles‚ parts of a book‚ a paper from a companion or some file‚ or whatever. Counterfeiting likewise incorporates the act of utilizing or permitting someone else to adjust or overhaul the work that a student submits as his/her own. Students may examine tasks among themselves or with a teacher or tutor‚ yet when the real work is done‚ it must be finished by the student.

When a student's task includes research in external sources or information‚, the student should cautiously recognize precisely what‚ where, and how he/she has utilized them. On the off chance that the expressions of another person are used‚ the student must put quotes around the section being referred to and add a proper citation.

Turning in work finished for another class is a type of self-literary theft and is not satisfactory in writing, rhetoric, and digital media courses.

The punishment for counterfeiting or plagiarism is zero on assignments until re-written by the student as per the Hebraic Institute of Theology.

Finally, it is suggested that all students submit their work through a plagiarism checker before submitting his/her work. All submitted work becomes the property of the Hebraic Institute of Theology.

Hebraic Institute of Theology Transfer Credit Policies


Hebraic Institute does not accept any transfer credits.

Academic Probation

Students who do not demonstrate minimum competencies assume the obligation and responsibility to make up for academic failures. Students must successfully pass all failed courses before they can graduate. No grade less than a "C >70%" is allowed.

Students must pass all requirements of the curriculum before advancing to graduation. Students who fail a course will be placed on academic probation. Failed course(s) must be approved by the Office of the Registrar to be repeated.

The grade for a failed course

If a student receives a failing grade, that grade is recorded as a letter grade of "F " below 70% on any exam.

Academic standing

Good academic standing is achieved by always maintaining >70% cumulative average and >70% in all program courses. A student must pass failed courses and incur no further failures to return to good academic standing. A student on academic probation is not considered to be in good academic standing.

Only under extenuating circumstances will a student be allowed to retake exams or repeat courses other than the failure of a course.


Upon the completion of all coursework with a passing grade of 70% or better student(s) will no longer have access to the program in which they were enrolled. Graduation is completed once a graduation application is submitted.

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